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The Three Most Important Aspects of your Ecommerce Web Site

The Three Most Important Aspects of your Ecommerce Web Site
Search engine optimization cannot detect those keywords that are unpredictable. This makes it impossible for your website to appear on the search results list. There are certain aspects that have to be considered if you want to make your ecommerce website search engine friendly.

A unique title tag is important for every page of your website. Titles help your website appear in search engine result pages. Therefore, it is recommended to have a unique title tag for every page of your website.

The next aspect to consider is navigation. Whether the navigation graphical or textual, it needs to be optimized for the search engines. It is usually advisable to generate navigation in a textual format. The text in this manner would be the category or the product name.

A site map is must when your site contains many pages. This will help categorize your web pages in the correct fashion. Also your ecommerce website will look organized even if you have many products. Your site map will inform your visitors of the main products offered by your company and the product line.

Your SEO ecommerce website will become search engine friendly only if you keep the above three aspects in mind.
